Can we make a difference?

by | Jan 15, 2020 | psychology | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is always a feeling that ‘I am one among so many so what difference can I make?’ The point is that the right person at the right time saying the right thing or doing the right thing can make a big difference. Think of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus. Unbeknown to her, the conditions were just right for a rebellion against domination by white people in America, or about the diminished status of black people. She was a symbol. There is nothing to stop anyone making a statement of what they believe in. Many people may have done so before, but that is not the point. Maybe it is only on the 101st occasion that the penny will drop among the public.

I wrote to my local paper about the folly of climate change. In case you wonder, you can see plenty of explanatory videos on my website  What is truly shocking is the blatant bias of the BBC, basically in being a puppy dog to the corporate and the globalists and ignoring fact altogether. You can read my letter, which was published in full today in the local  paper, The Midsomer Norton Journal

Who knows what will come of it? Who knows. If anyone will even read it? The point is that it is good for us all to articulate what we feel. It keeps us alive. We don’t just want to be taken along by the tide just like a piece of flotsam and jetsam. Knowing something is wrong and not doing something about it is slow motion suicide of the soul in my view.

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January 2020



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