Two helpful thoughts from the Internet

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whatever you say about the Internet from the security and safety point of view, it remains a useful source of information. Youtube is busily shooting itself in the foot by removing people that it thinks is spreading fake news, though, that in itself could be fake news. Fortunately, we have Brighteon, thank you Mike Adams the Health Ranger, where people can post without fear of being censored.

I came across two items today which I want to share with you because for me they hit the target. The first one is from my favourite teacher on Trans World Radio, Colin Smith and the other one from Eckhart Tolle about forgiveness.

I quote in full as I think the material is useful for any thoughtful person particularly at this time of year. If you are not ‘a believer’ then it still makes a good point.

Humble yourselves…cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV)

The root of all worry and anxiety lies in the belief that what happens is ultimately in our hands. If you think that what happens is ultimately in your hands, that’s pride.

The proud person feels that he or she has to make things happen. But the truth is, none of us can add an inch to our height or an hour to our life by worrying about it.

What happens finally is in the hands of God.There is a powerful insight here for the person who struggles with frequent bouts of anxiety. If we want to deal with our anxiety, the place to begin is by dealing with our pride, because humility is the ultimate release from anxiety.

It is important for us to be able to distinguish between the voices of Pride and Humility. Pride says, “What happens is up to me,” and this only creates more anxiety. Humility says, “Lord, everything that concerns me is in your hands,” and this is the beginning of peace.

When you hear the voice of Pride, you can counteract it by “casting all your anxiety” on Jesus. How do you do that? Tell him what you are anxious about and then hand that situation over to Him. Put it into His hands. You can do this knowing that He cares about you.

If you hear the voice of Pride or you are feeling anxious about a situation, go ahead and cast your anxiety on Jesus right now.

Now follows a short video where for me the punchline was the last few sentences.

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December 2019


