An autumn walk by the Kennet and Avon Canal

by | Nov 23, 2019 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

From the excellent – light years ahead of the BBC


It was touch and go whether we went out at all because it kept on raining but we decided to go out anyway. Some of the most beautiful scenes, some would say romantic, are to be seen in the autumn countryside and today was no exception.  Only one anomaly, a tall, athletic woman was pacing up and down the canal talking on her Skype. We found this irritating and let her pass.  At the end of our walk, an hour later, we passed her the other way and there she was continuing to talk on the phone. Is this an addiction or what.

We always stop off at Wellow, a small historical village on the way to the canal; we always go and see how the Weir is doing flood-wise. There was not as much flow as I expected, but it was still 6 inches over the road. A passing woman drew our attention to a bat which unusually was flying around during the day.Onto the angelfish restaurant at the Canal Visitor Centre, Bath BA2 7JD  for those who want a good starting point for a wander east or west along the canal.  After an excellent pumpkin soup off we went.

Life by the canal goes on 24/7/365. People have to take their waste away, store up with firewood, and live their life when the weather is not so sunny or warm. I imagine that a canal boat is probably one of the snuggest and warmest you could imagine. In the distance we heard the sound of a chainsaw and across the canal we saw two people clearing an area and making a lovely bonfire. I do yearn to live in the country though for the most part it is completely impractical I have to admit.


A certain type of person will really benefit from living on the canal. I could not do it because I would not have access to a garden, I’m too lazy to walk 200 m to get into my car, I don’t want to travel 5 miles to the nearest supermarket and what am I going to do with my thousand plus books. I can see this as a holiday arrangement but no more. . However, each to his own.

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November 2019


