Month: October 2019

A Thirteenth Century joke

This is one of the oldest documented jokes: Three monks turned their back on the world. They go into the wilderness to repent their sins before God. They did not speak to one another for the space of a year. Then one of the men said to another at the end of the year, "We are well," said he. Thus it was for another year. "It is well indeed," said the second man. They were there after that for...

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finally, the sun shines

I am propagating my new site on the Internet by mentioning it around. SEO agencies make a lot of money out of promising page 1 on Google but as a generic promise that is being optimistic because it depends very much on the keywords they can use and the popularity of the subject. Also, Google and YouTube and Facebook have inbuilt prejudices which they call algorithms to marginalise sites, the...

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It’s Friday – another day of rest

As my body returns to normal, I'm finding more strength to function, and keep my daily record-keeping up to date. I have three remits; Although it is two weeks away, I decided I didn't have enough oomph to go to London for a conference on Sunday, 27 November. All in all,  it would have  cost us £400 ( three nights hotel plus...

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The corner has been turned

I spent most of this morning in bed but feel strangely refreshed now. My wife Françoise went out to buy some coal and made a real coal and wood fire. I sat in front of the fire this afternoon and dozed. I feel the strength is coming back into my limbs now. I took my first walk, which was to go about 200 yards to post a letter. I was a bit wobbly but managed it quite well. Nature knows how to...

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A true post-operative day – in bed

Although I was feeling very good for the most part of yesterday, it was another story when the local anaesthetics stopped working. The Surgeon told me that the pain would return after nine o'clock last evening and sure enough it did. The only solution is to take refuge in bed and find the least uncomfortable position and let Mother Nature get on with it. I don't even have the energy to read or...

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Inguinal hernia operation

As they say, the day dawned like any other day.  I got up very early and listened to the latest on the sport, the weather, Brexit, usual things and particularly relished having a cup of coffee and some toast. You are not supposed to eat anything less than six hours before the operation, which was scheduled for some time after lunch. I saw this outside the Methodist Church in Peasedown. Someone...

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October 2019