Off to London we go (again)

by | Jul 18, 2019 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

From just around the corner from our humble abode, we take the 9:37 AM bus to Bath. We take this bus for all our journeys whether it be to South Africa, Singapore, or just down the road to London. Traditionally, we stop off at the Methodist Centre in Manvers Street in Bath to have a coffee and a roll.  Every time I leave home I worry whether I have actually closed the front door and each time I have to go back and check but having said I have always done so.  I’m just engaging in last minute worry and fuss.

The drivers on National Express are always good. We had a Sikh person this time who said he has been ‘everywhere’ but now normally works just two days a week. He was persuaded to help out this time. (inserted later) On the return journey, we had a very efficient business-like lady who was a brilliant driver and anticipated the actions of other road users to a T. (insert off)   So, for five pounds each way per person we put up with three hours plus as opposed to half the time by train.

The trick is to time your coach journeys so that they fall outside rush hours. Rush hours coming towards London are between 6.30 and 9 AM. The return will be from 4.30 to 7.30.

Victoria Coach Station is not the most beautiful in the whole world but it does the job and is very convenient for central London. People arrive there from all over Europe.  I hear they are going to have to move when the lease expires but let’s hope something can be worked out. Something to do with the Grosvenor Estate.

Off to where we are staying, Haverstock Hill, which is between Hampstead and Camden. We are staying at the flat of an old friend of Françoise, who is as Bohemian as you like and who lets us just get on with it, buy our own food, look after ourselves, and come and go as we please with the provision of a set of keys.

The weather is already getting warm in anticipation of the hot spell which is due to take place this week with possibly record temperatures.

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