Time to have a break in the country

by | May 14, 2019 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

After three days of dystopian material given to me at a conference between 9 AM and 10 PM every day the time has come to have a break and seek refuge in nature.  The most difficult images to get out of my mind are pictures of Yellow jacket protesters being shot directly in the face with rubber bullets. The so-called police who do this are anonymous with no identification, showing no sensitivity or compassion towards the peaceful persons that they attack.

Anyway, today’s trip was to Compton Dando. It is a small village south of Bath, very affluent by the look of it and has its own website.  The splendid Compton Inn also has its own website and by the look of it I shall be paying a visit soon. Anyway, I’m ahead of myself.

The group involved was AgeUK and they organise good walks in the locality. They are supervised as you have to with an butage group that is slightly vulnerable. I took a few pictures to show you the splendid countryside that is still extant, looking all the better in the bright sun.Lucky old sheep having a wonderful time. Oh that all animals could have such an environment.This is an image of Lordswood full of bluebells and the exuberance of spring.

I then drove off to a hospital appointment via Compton Dando which has itself very well organised.  Here is a shot of the village centre, more like a village green.This is the central bus station. Public transport is not the greatest. The man who you see in the picture took delight in telling me that there is one bus per week to Bath that departs from this bus stop at 10 AM.

This is the interior of the very comfortable and traditional Compton Inn.  I love the laid-back atmosphere of the whole place. It is very intimate and ‘human’. The best test of the vitality of an town or village is its noticeboard.

Lots of ideas that could be multiplied through the length and breadth of the country but here it all is in miniature.

On to Bath for my monthly examination for wet macular eye disease. The amount of water in the layers of the eye has stayed stable so I don’t need another injection but she did think they may be a need for a cataract operation which is the replacement of the lens in the eye. This operation takes about half an hour and you are fully awake through it.

After three years without changing my prescription the consultant encouraged me to have some new glasses and said that if this does not lessen the symptoms that I have – sometime light blindness and being dazzled – then I should consider putting myself on the list for the operation.

It was a slight culture shock to see in the waiting area the advertisement below but then times are changing I suppose.

A brief visit to Bath. It would be quite difficult to describe the colour of this  car (below) on your insurance application. It certainly stands out in a crowd and I would think twice if I were so inclined before stealing it.

Today, the sun was very bright and in spite of wearing two pairs of sunglasses it was very difficult to drive back to Midsomer facing into the sun but obviously I made it otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this diary.

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