Month: May 2019

Once more, the great Bath and West show

This will be the third or is it the fourth time that we've been to this enormous show. I have long ago realised that it is impossible to take in everything that is going on and I feel visitors should go to themes that they feel comfortable with for example wood working, hedges, local cheeses, sheep shearing, and fall into a conversation with people who are running these features so that you get...

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Wells market, preparing for guests

I never tire of all the delightful stalls at Wells market. Wells is a very compact little city and you can't miss the stalls which are right bang in the centre in front of the cathedral grounds. I bought some home-made savouries at the stall photographed above and munched my way around chewing my cud contentedly. There are some stallholders who are not local and you soon get to know them. There...

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An unexpected meeting with Brother John in Bruton

Bruton in East Somerset, is one of the more affluent towns in our wider locality. As soon as you meet the local inhabitants you can detect their affluence and the fact that they have time to enjoy themselves, time for other people and are not too troubled by the exigencies of this life. Below is an example of a group of people meeting over tea in the local church of St Mary's. As I sat down to...

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Somerset Levels and a quirky cafe

A large part of my psychology has nostalgia for the times of old or should I say days of yore when I was innocent and the sense of community was stronger. I remember when my father who was a Church of England vicar preached on Sundays, there were at least three services; eight o'clock Communion, nine o'clock Communion, matins at 11 o'clock and evening service at 630pm I was in the choir and I...

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Wiltshire Art Trail brings delightful surprises

Just watching a fascinating story about an Australian Gregory Smith who was send to an orphanage at 10 years and ended up wandering through a forest. He ended up becoming a University lecturer. It is a '60 minutes' production of ABC, the Australian public broadcasting service. Riveting. Watch it. Wiltshire is just a few miles east of where we are so it was with great pleasure that we found out...

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an apparently simple garden job becomes problematic

You could hardly think of a simpler job. We have a delightful old lady who wants us to clear quite a large area, I cannot call it a garden, and basically de-weed it.  I agree this is not the most exciting topic in the whole world but nature will not be trifled with. We have tried to clear this area, pictured, of weeds on about seven occasions and dug them all until there is nothing left but each...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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