Post-Christmas Bath

by | Dec 27, 2018 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Off for a hospital appointment to talk about my stomach. On the way down the hill towards Bath I saw that the whole area was covered in a sea of mist. With a little imagination it could have been seen as under the sea itself.
My appointment was with a very businesslike Dr Julia Maltby who had read all my notes in great detail and very firmly and clearly told me what the alternatives were. She almost shouted, or should I says spoke very loudly and clearly so I guess the average patient is somewhat deaf. I’m going to have my oesophagus examination under general anaesthetic because I tend to fight so much plus I’m so resistant to the drugs given to calm me that it comes to a fight between myself and the nurses. I don’t want to put anyone through that so the doctor agreed to put me in a specialist clinic for sessions where an anesthetist is required.

I love coming to Bath hospital (RUH) not only because of the pleasant atmosphere but also because of the plethora of art objects which adorn the corridors. Here are a few for your attention.This diffident young lady sums it all up for me. These young women have  already been brainwashed by the perceived need for instant fame, wearing the latest make up, getting recognition by the number of ‘likes’ on your Instagram account. It’s another matter altogether when you are left to your own devices.

Off to the city centre. Not that many people around but those that were were enjoying the Christmas spirit. I popped into the city Art Gallery but could not go into the exhibition because I discovered I lost my Discovery Card. Fortunately, getting a replacement is not difficult.

There was a very nice self portrait of an artist to celebrate his 70th birthday which was on display at the Art Gallery.

Interestingly there were more Japanese tourists around than any other. A possible reason for this is that Japan is not very pleasant at this time of year, it tends to rain a lot and is snowy, so that’s probably why they come as an escape. As I write it is 3° in Tokyo.

Back home to enjoy this quiet period of the year when no one expects you to be in or do anything. We shall probably light the fire although the temperature is too warm for the time of year to justify it but does it really matter?


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December 2018


