‘Anna’ by Kate Noble 2016
Today I went to pick up my art purchase from a local gallery. Sometimes I imagine one would have a tinge of regret or doubt. Did I do the right thing? On seeing it three weeks later, there was no question. The work had my name on it. It says so much about sex, sexuality, identity, ambivalence, the goddess that this will keep me fed for a long time. Above all, it asks a question. Every image or work of art should ask a question. I shall refer to the work from time to time, so great is its impact. In fact, comments are welcome. I get few comments on my diary so why not make this a turning point in reader participation.
I went to celebrate the purchase of my work above at a local diner, one of those that exist in the middle of nowhere and is built up by personal reputation. I ordered a full breakfast which for £6.95 including coffee was a pretty good deal.
On the way out I noticed a milk machine. I saw this as a very brave attempt to break the stranglehold of the supermarkets and give fresh uncontaminated local milk to the people. £1/litre is admittedly more pricey than what I would normally pay in Lidl but next time I visit I shall bring a bottle and fill it up knowing that I’m supporting a traditional way of life.