The blazing sun

by | Jul 8, 2018 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I don’t know whether it’s the weather,but I am singularly bereft of inspiration for my diary. It’s not that nothing has been happening but the fact of the matter is that I am devoting the majority of my time and effort to making the world’s largest and most authoritative running commentary on Smart Meters and 5G.

I’m listing information from about 25 countries the moment and after entering the initial data about the various organizations campaigning against the two monsters above, I have to somehow keep up with what is going on. I can only do so with help from others and someone was kind enough to send me a list of about 900 relevant websites, some of which have not been authenticated so I have to go through each one of them, check them out as best I can, and add them to the master list.


Life on our allotments here in Midsummer Norton Suffered what I suppose you could call a setback when someone came along early one morning and stole our entire crop of strawberrys, plot by plot. It is a very minor version of what it must feel like to be burgled or indeed raped. The disappointment in human nature that someone should stoop so low destroys the innocence of the place a little bit. I thought of putting up a sign that my guess is that this was just a sad opportunist person but come next year if they try the same thing again we will be on the alert. In general, we are a happy bunch of people. This has not come about through chance that about my making great efforts to introduce and integrate newcomers with the other people so they feel part of the family.


I have recently joined the Radstock Working Men’s Club.  I do not really fit I must admit that there are enough people that you can chat to, the drinks are very inexpensive and there is a copy of the Daily Mail for my spiritual enlightenment. The World Cup is going on.  I missed Saturday’s game where England were involved but I will definitely go along next Wednesday when it’s England versus Croatia.  It must be said that the crowd at the working mens club on lively in their response.  My physical reactions in front of the television at home are but a faint reflection of this.


St. John’s, Chilcompton, had their annual very modest garden fête yesterday from 2 PM to 4 PM complete with brass band (pictured above), a fine demonstration of a very hard-working border collie dog finding things, and a train line complete with steam train going backwards and forwards.  For some time I have been having trouble with my left foot and cannot quite reach it it to deliver the service that it needs in terms of trimming.  Amazingly, there was a qualified podiatrist offering to give a taster service. My, there is much more to foot care than I realised. She had a large container full of treatment items, bottles of lotion, pads and sprays. I allowed myself to be pampered notwithstanding the curious glances of the odd onlooker.  I walked away ‘on air’ so to speak and reminded myself that I should take better care of my body.


The continuing breathless and hot air definitely slows down my mind as it goes into survival mode. All the lawns around me have dried up and become bleached. Goodness knows what gardeners do because there is no mowing to be done.  I am glad to say that I do not rely on my gardening for a living. My partner Francoise (who is french) laps up the weather and would love to live in a hot climate but probably not all the time.  Southern Florida is hot all year round with the occasional storm but who wants that. Would it not  become tiresome?  My ideal maximum temperature is 25 degrees. The average summer temperature in Florida is 28 degrees. Only places like Singapore, right on the equator can be relied upon to be at a constant humid 31 or 32 degrees.  The greatest temperature range, 105 degrees C,  is in Siberia at a place called Verkhoyansk, varying from minus 68 degrees to plus 37 degrees. I think I will stick with the UK.

Verkhoyansk, Siberia


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July 2018


