Month: February 2018

My plans changed for ‘no reason’ – the NHS

There are certain things which make me viscerally* angry and these include the continual talking down of the UK National Health Service saying that the patient satisfaction is lowest ever, that the NHS  is heading for collapse, that someone has successfully sued doctors for making a mistake. Has anyone thought of the effect this has on the professionals concerned. Incoming patients have contact...

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Oh to be a child again + church gossip

This is from the new Denver Colorado airport, for those of you didn't know it is absolutely full of  symbolism.  The whole airport and its construction is rather strange. No one knows who funded it. There was a perfectly serviceable airport, Stapleton,  6 miles away so there was no need for it and yet it is both vast and vastly expensive. See the link above for further information. My attention...

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What is an idiot. Are we id-iotic?

The word idiot implies 'stupid' to most of us but we might benefit from thinking more deeply. The definition of the word idiot goes all the way back to its ancient Greek roots. It means "one who is under the illusion of being separate from the Whole, from the Universe". The consciousness of Zen Buddhism and that of people such as Jesus Christ who had an ability to have an overview of the human...

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It’s the rhythm then the words

I have just been listening to the profile of Black Panther star Daniel Kaluuya (pictured) on Radio Four. At the age of 16 he took a job as runner for a film company. One of his tasks was to bring everybody tea and coffee. In spite of this lowly position, he always wore a suit. In other words, he made the best of his position. I admire that enormously but I don't think I have emulated that in my...

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Making someone feel welcome

I have noticed that continentals and Americans and indeed Australians have got this welcoming and introducing lark off to a fine art. The British are catching up but we don't have it naturally within us. A lot of us Brits. have difficulty in remembering names. I have to be extremely interested in someone to remember the name first time and I am lucky if the person has a name which relates to...

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An academic day – pills vs natural healing

I was visited by a good Samaritan colleague, Mike, who wanted to show me a new machine based on the work of Royal Rife which works on similar principles to radionics. Every disease has a numerical rate or frequency and through tuning into that frequency and applying equal and opposite waveforms, the disease can be nullified. There are many diseases that can be cured or ameliorated by remedies...

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