Month: December 2017

The right words at the right time – taking pot luck

This morning I had an illustration of how important it is to be alert to the inner voice. This morning I was in the kitchen preparing my coffee as normal and I turned on the TV. I had a choice of BBC breakfast TV or looking elsewhere which was in this case TWI short for Transworld International, a religious station broadcasting 24/7. I want to make it clear at this point that I do not 'do'...

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What makes a good boss? – old friends

For seven years I was a boss of an organisation, albeit a small one and I have since then had dealings with a large number of people who were bosses of small or large organisations. I'm not particularly proud of my performance. I was in my 20s, excited about an idea but clueless as to how to deal with people. I had a wonderful secretary called Carol from Blackburn who put up with me and whose...

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Setting out our life stall part two

I ended the first part of my discussion by saying that the perceived disadvantages of childhood were no excuse for not achieving full potential (how is that for a double negative). In order to demonstrate the truth of that hypothesis you would have to show that the people with most pampered childhoods have achieved the greatest potential in life and those with deprived childhoods, the least. The...

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Setting out our life stall – Johnny Hallyday

I love stories of admirable people who have had several careers moving from one stage or skill set to another, experts on many things, travel stories that make you envious plus wisdom and experience of life second to none. However, the the vast majority of the population of the world are destined to make a fairly modest unsung and unappreciated contribution to the affairs of mankind. Apparently...

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Creative writing course from the inside

What you may ask is your diarist doing going to a course when everyone else is rushing out to buy things, consume things, standing in lines to buy roasted pork sandwiches, mulled wine and the like. Good luck to these people BUT I was not in 'consumer mode' because <strikes magisterial pose> my dear friends, enemies, adversaries, critics, admirers, and those who don't know me from Adam,...

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So called ‘rape’ allegations

In this groundbreaking day of another step forward in the Brexit deals I find myself momentarily concerned with another matter. I read once again about allegations, sometimes decades-old,  made against well-known people for sexual molestation. We seem to have had a stream of these in the last weeks, so much so that it is becoming tedious. There are two broad classes of molestation of all types,...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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