Monday 3 October 1664 Pepys business dealings - some inappropriate behaviour with women but all is made up. Pepys worried about time discipline and management matters. A garden client of mine rang me complaining that when she woke up there were two cows in her garden (on her lawn more specifically). This is a reminder as if we needed one that we are living in the country not a town. Cows are not...
Month: October 2017
B*** S*** in Vegas – Centres of happiness: Peasedown Post Office
Sunday 2 October 1664 .... My wife not being well to go to church I walked with my boy through the City, .....This evening came Mrs. Lane (now Martin) with her husband to desire my helpe about a place for him. It seems poor Mr. Daniel is dead of the Victualling Office, a place too good for this puppy to follow him in. But I did give him the best words I could, and so after drinking a glasse of...
Arctic ice increases in volume – the case against perfection (ism) – Brene Brown
Saturday 1 October 1664 local news from Samuel Pepys - brief mention of the war with Holland - click above to read as always. My ever reliable and trusted source of accurate information, Natural News, reports on a study by the National Snow and Ice Data Centre, located at the University of Colorado, shows that sea ice extent has increased by 40% since 2012. Global Warming alarmists continue to...
homophones fain, fane feign, vain, vane, vein
Friday 30 September 1664 ....Up, and all day, both morning and afternoon, at my accounts, it being a great month, both for profit and layings out, the last being 89l. for kitchen and clothes for myself and wife, and a few extraordinaries for the house; and my profits, besides salary, 239l.; so that I have this weeke, notwithstanding great layings out, and preparations for laying out, which I...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,643,934 words across 1,762 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703