It helps to have read Pt. 1 to see this entry in context. En route, I overheard a snatch of conversation. These can be literary gems of mystery inviting you to finish the story as your imagination allows. The two people involved were working in a sales department. One said to the other "how are things?". The second one "we have the normal number of complaints". "Still" he said reflectively "We...
Month: October 2017
Pepy’s horse ride to Welling – karma – more art – more Bath – Pt. 1
Thursday 13 October 1664 After being at the office all the morning, I home and dined, and taking leave of my wife with my mind not a little troubled how she would look after herself or house in my absence, especially, too, leaving a considerable sum of money in the office, I by coach to the Red Lyon in Aldersgate Street, and there, by agreement, met W. Joyce and Tom Trice, and mounted, I upon a...
News at night – overcoming mental illness via art
Wednesday 12 October 1664 A short entry from our Samuel Pepys but including ...and there at my office late doing business against my journey to clear my hands of every thing for two days.... we are given some idea of the pressure on Pepys. He seems to have no one to delegate to. Even a two day break is a challenge. In our modern world we can be 'in touch' all the time but does this give us...
Loneliness is expensive – continual creativity at GUH Bath
Tuesday 11 October 1664 ....My wife tells me the sad news of my Lady Castlemayne’s being now become so decayed, that one would not know her; at least far from a beauty, which I am sorry for..... Jeremy Hunt the Health Secretary actually deigned to make an appearance on TV during which he spoke words. They were about the golden hello to encourage doctors to areas where there was more difficulty...
Journey in a strange land
Monday 10 October 1664 Pepys engages in many matters of business in this entertaining entry. Click the link above for the full entry. ....This day, by the blessing of God, my wife and I have been married nine years: but my head being full of business, I did not think of it to keep it in any extraordinary manner. But bless God for our long lives and loves and health together, which the same God...
A day in the life of Bath Part *Deux – foreign accents
*a tribute to Leslie Nielsen So, I continue my walk. I should add that everything in the day was unscripted, apart from the film. I find that if you are in 'The Zone' you meet the right things and the right people as if by magic. On a corner there is gallery space that is rented out to various organizations. This week it was the turn of Creativity Works. Very clever double meaning. I love the...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,643,934 words across 1,762 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703