Pepy’s horse ride to Welling – karma – more art – more Bath – Pt. 2

by | Oct 14, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 6 minutes

It helps to have read Pt. 1 to see this entry in context.

En route, I overheard a snatch of conversation. These can be literary gems of mystery inviting you to finish the story as your imagination allows. The two people involved were working in a sales department. One said to the other “how are things?”. The second one “we have the normal number of complaints”. “Still” he said reflectively “We mustn’t complain” I shall never know why complaints about complainants are considered inappropriate.

On we go to the BRSLI, Queens Square. It is a fine building used for lectures and small exhibitions. I had been to see the watercolour exhibition on trees which is still running.  There was a talk by a tree expert on the previous night. The number of people who wanted to come exactly fitted the number of seats available, surely a ‘meant’ thing to happen. The big hall can accommodate 110 people and is useful and reasonable for any type of erudite meeting. The reason for my going was to take my other half. I sat in a chair for a breather. It is quite interesting to be below normal eye level. Perspectives change. It reminds me of how a child must feel.

distant figures


This must have been a splendid town house in centuries of yore. (Ctrl and + to enlarge)

visitors book – you can tell a lot about the clientele from reading the entries.

a good or a confusing poster?

This must have seemed a good idea at the time but it is very difficult to focus on the words as there are so many conflicting cues, or calls on the attention. You have the light effect from the transparent background, the patterns and the shadows and it requires an act of will to read the text. If I wanted to camouflage the text I could not have done a better job.
A lovely show well done all.


On now to collect my ‘head’ art work.  We passed some roses which during the reason must beautify the basement and immediate environment. We called in at THE cookery supplies shop in the area. They only stock quality materials and you can easily drop £200-£300 on a few saucepans or pots.

the frontage – ask anyone where it is

the front window a la Halloween – these cost a few bob but last a life time.

We went in to buy a couple of things. The chap behind the till asked if we would like a five pound token e-mailed to us. I said yes (who would not) and he asked me for my email which happens to be brian @ which he loved. I said that he must get some difficult ones and he said yes, especially people who say the familiar (to them) address at high speed. He has to ask them to say it slower. He then admitted to being dyslexic. He cannot deal with people who say  A for apple C for Charlie etc. Too much noise. His mind puts things together in a different way. Autistic people are affected by the speed, clarity and rhythm of the spoken word and indeed of individual characters. This sounds a fascinating topic but not for this occasion.


Off to the City Art Gallery where a new exhibition ‘India on Paper’ has just opened. I think you can read this descriptor (Ctrl and + to enlarge)

this descriptor greets you on entry

My goodness, was I bored with this show. There is only a limited amount of time I can spend looking at a washy colour without being pretentious.

Another Rainbow, Indian Waves

‘Sky from ‘more Indian views – landscape glimpsed through windows of a moving train’

Indian Room, from ‘Five Rooms’.

The dribble of people on the first day found something to distract them, a movie of the great man

says it all

A strange thing happened. I thought I heard the volunteer attendant block a sneeze. I went up to her and said “I wonder if it is a cultural thing to block sneezes”. She asked me to repeat myself. She said ‘I have absolutely no idea and had not thought of the question until you asked me’. I said ‘Neither did I give it a thought until I spoke to you’. ‘Never mind’ said I. ‘Art is supposed to be a catalyst’.  I then realised I was still in the mind set of the art workshop of the morning. I expected everyone to listen to me whatever I said. I exited stage left.

12. End Game, Oil on panel £2650

This work greeted me in the main foyer. I think that gave me more pleasure than all the rest in the paid show.


unique in the UK is Pulteney Weir

Off to the art gallery where my  bought work resides awaiting collection. The river is not in flood and the flow is therefore very symmetrical. The birds are enjoying sitting in the water free from predators. You can see them in the middle if you enlarge the image.

Tourists make the place noisy and don’t know where they are half the time. Ah well, I am the same when I travel.

Back to the 44c Art Gallery where some artists are chatting.

We have christened her ‘Henrietta’

So, carrying my purchased ‘head’ art work in a plastic bag, off to home and to write this diary.





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