Saturday 17 September 1664 Up and to the office, where Mr. Coventry very angry to see things go so coldly as they do, and I must needs say it makes me fearful every day of having some change of the office, and the truth is, I am of late a little guilty of being remiss myself of what I used to be, but I hope I shall come to my old pass again, my family being now settled again. No harm in...
Month: September 2017
Pepys and a contemporary diarist John Evelyn
Friday 16 September 1664 There is no way of summarizing today's diary entry which is long and varied. A debtor Sir W Warren gives Pepys L100 (pounds) in a local tavern, the Sun, situated at the rear of the Royal Exchange. Sir Warren was careful to be discrete with his transaction. Pepys takes a carriage home to celebrate and as an extra security precaution. Later on in the entry he writes that...
How to involve children – The Priston Festival
Thursday 15 September 1664 ... and after dinner many people came in and kept me all the afternoon, among other the Master and Wardens of Chyrurgeon’s Hall, who staid arguing their cause with me; I did give them the best answer I could, and after their being two hours with me parted... No faxes or E-mails in those days. People have to argue their case in person. Maybe a good thing. ***** This...
Getting the sack Pepys style; no-dig gardening; blackberry picking
Wednesday 14 September 1664 Up, and wanting some things that should be laid ready for my dressing myself I was angry, and one thing after another made my wife give Besse warning to be gone, which the jade, whether out of fear or ill-nature or simplicity I know not, but she took it and asked leave to go forth to look a place, and did, which vexed me to the heart, she being as good a natured wench...
Don’t push the river, it flows by itself
Tuesday 13 September 1664 ...and after dinner to Fishmonger’s Hall, where we met the first time upon the Fishery Committee, and many good things discoursed of concerning making of farthings, which was proposed as a way of raising money for this business, and then that of lotterys,1 but with great confusion; but I hope we shall fall into greater order. I love this phrase 'fall into greater...
Images images images – look out for the unusual
Monday 12 September 1664 ...Thence by coach to St. James’s, and there did our business as usual with the Duke; and saw him with great pleasure play with his little girle, —[Afterwards Queen Mary II.]— like an ordinary private father of a child.... As someone said to me, everyone sits on the loo. We tend to glorify those in the public eye and sometimes are cruel and judgemental to them, not...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,642,756 words across 1,761 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703