On to Priddy with its annual Rural Fun Day. The triangular Green offers a natural environment for stalls and entertainment of all kinds. At first glance the layout seemed ramshackle and lacking in features but I soon started to be impressed. There were a number of 'car boot' type stalls offering tat with varying degrees of age and usefulness. I walked past them with hardly a glance. We then...
Month: September 2017
a sighting of Michael Eavis – a Thai massage – back to the 60’s in full 3D
Thursday 22 September 1664 ...To the ‘Change at noon, and among other things discoursed with Sir William Warren what I might do to get a little money by carrying of deales to Tangier, and told him the opportunity I have there of doing it, and he did give me some advice, though not so good as he would have done at any other time of the year, but such as I hope to make good use of, and get a...
How much money is ‘enough?’ – My GP – global warming
Wednesday 21 September 1664 ....But it is a strange thing to observe and fit for me to remember that I am at no time so unwilling to part with money as when I am concerned in the getting of it most, as I thank God of late I have got more in this month, viz. near 250l., than ever I did in half a year before in my life, I think.... So called 'primitive' tribes exist with very little money; they...
QR codes, Chinese version – Are machines frightening? – Flu
Tuesday 20 September 1664 Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning, at noon to the ‘Change, and there met by appointment with Captain Poyntz, who hath some place, or title to a place, belonging to gameing, and so I discoursed with him about the business of our improving of the Lotterys, to the King’s benefit, and that of the Fishery, and had some light from him in the business, and...
How to get donations – canal boating – engineered weather
Monday 19 September 1664 Up, my wife and I having a little anger about her woman already, she thinking that I take too much care of her at table to mind her (my wife) of cutting for her, but it soon over,... So home to dinner, my wife having put on to-day her winter new suit of moyre, which is handsome, and so after dinner I did give her 15l. to lay out in linen and necessaries for the house and...
Toilet twinning (yes really) – a headless person – Send a cow charity
Sunday 18 September 1664 (Lord’s day). Up and to church all of us. At noon comes Anthony and W. Joyce (their wives being in the country with my father) and dined with me very merry as I can be in such company. After dinner walked to Westminster (tiring them by the way, and so left them, Anthony in Cheapside and the other in the Strand), and there spent all the afternoon in the Cloysters as I had...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,642,756 words across 1,761 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703