There are few things I enjoy more than talking to artists and looking at works of art though I do not have formal art training. I believe and try to live out the ideal that we are all mobile art installations, instantly responsive to others, claiming the moment and making the best of it as we shall probably not meet in the same circumstances again.
Ref: Eckhart Tolle ‘The Power of Now’.
We are so busy obsessing over what we did, might have done, should have done, could have done differently that we don’t see what we did right.
Anyway enough of this philosophy, for now (ha ha) today’s topic is…..
not sure how old this photo is
Hans Borgonjon (sculptor) and Rosalind Robinson (painter) are working colleagues whose works appear in the show.
Hans has lived with his partner Liz Kozlowski for the past 10 years in Frome itself. Liz has curated the music side of this exhibition and is playing in some of the music performances, apart from being a natural therapist and healer.
The posh art web site can be visited here. Rosalind is an associate member of the Society of Women Artists. I am hugely impressed by her observation of the human eye as the window of the soul
Rosalind is the one in the middle.
as the following examples will show you.
Use Ctrl and the + key repeated to enlarge the images
We two together
“Ready when you are”
Moment of doubt (left) and Moment of uncertainty (right)
mischievous boy?
The venue, the Silk Mill, 5 minutes from the centre, BA11 1PT The show is called ‘Outside Insight’.
Now follows some of Hans’ works in oak, using special paint including gold. The work draws inspiration from his Flemish roots.
The Kiss
‘Squeeze’ am I going mad?
three studies of the face (not the exact title)
work outside the studio in the open air
There are many other centres where work is being shown. The one below is by Fiona Campbell whose work reminds us of the neural connections between trees and also between us and nature. It is almost impossible to photograph; you really have to see this installation in the flesh. I love the use of birch trees. I am going to put in two examples taken from different angles.
angle one
second angle
Look like its from the same artist, this time on the exterior of the building.
yes its a real post box