No-Dig gardening – Wayne Rooney – Iris tubers

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Saturday 17 September 1664

Up and to the office, where Mr. Coventry very angry to see things go so coldly as they do, and I must needs say it makes me fearful every day of having some change of the office, and the truth is, I am of late a little guilty of being remiss myself of what I used to be, but I hope I shall come to my old pass again, my family being now settled again.

No harm in admitting a short-fall, though Pepys gives the excuse that his family affairs have  been bothering him.

A busy day today. Ryanair have shot themselves in the foot by inconveniencing 400,000 passengers through suddenly deciding that pilots must have holidays. I feel for those stranded abroad having to pay lots of money for a single fare to Blighty (war slang for UK)

I called the firm that supplied me with a hedge cutter. They sent me the wrong replacement part. I took great pains not to seem to be blaming the customer advisor but – good tactic this – got them to read their notes about my case. I was discussing ‘the situation’ not a person and said “is it me going mad or you” to which she replied “probably us”. We ended with a laugh and a promise that a new part would be on its way today Monday.

you have to hack at them with a spade or pick axe to cut them out of the ground.

To my gardening job, digging a seemly small and innocuous bed 5m x1m but what did I discover. There was a whole tuber system of the iris flowers, innocently sticking their fronds into the breeze. The systems were solid ‘bombs’ going down about a foot into the ground. Anyway, I eventually made an impression but sweated a lot on this a scarcely warm morning. The customer asked how long I had been gardening. I said since the age of 20 (actually it was 14) so it must be 59 years. She said I should retire. I replied that I would be bored out of my mind.


To Françoise to pick her up from her work with AgeUK. I met a musician there who had been entertaining the old people. He is called Chris who has recently moved to Glastonbury. I said this was a good opportunity to try out new numbers. He thought it would take some time to adapt to Glastonbury from previously living in Peasedown St. John (locals will nod knowingly at this). I said it was a matter of wavelength. If you are on the same mental and spiritual wavelength a so called stranger could become a friend in a very short time.


The main event of the afternoon was a trip to see one of the most famous ‘No Dig’ gardeners and producers of food in the UK, Charles Dowding. His garden is similar to what I imagine paradise would be like (I hope they have gardens up there if I ever make it). He has numerous YouTube videos so just type his name in.

He grows two crops a year and the soil is completely without weeds. Even couch grass can be smothered. Here are some images.

general view


not sure what these were

not quite as romantic. £1. I cant give mine away.

My left knee is really hurting. It could be an early stage of osteoarthritis but more like some inflammation and muscle tension. F has prepared some almond oil with sage and rosemary essential oils and has given a massage.

Wayne Rooney got 2 years driving ban for being, well, drunk. Pity he goes silly when big breasted women approach him. Maybe he has not had time to develop as a person what with all the fame at such a young age.

And so, as Pepys would say, to bed.




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