Worthy Farm AKA Glasto ‘off duty’

by | Sep 2, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Part 2 of my Diary for Saturday 2nd September 2017.

shopping for the weekend, one of the residents at the farm. If you magnify the picture and look on the right side you can see the still see remnants of the Pyramid stage

For many years now I have had a great respect for the Glastonbury brand and it was quite a shock, albeit a nice one, to see that this place is actually a working farm with real live animals and all that goes with it. How they manage to put all this aside and accommodate 200,000 people is a mystery to me.

I reckon your first visit to the Glastonbury Festival is just about enough to get used to the size of the place. Use Cntl and + to magnify.

No wonder it takes so long to get from one stage to another. Allow 30-40 minutes they say.

the all seeing eye is there

one of the many entrances

so this is a working farm

there is only one Michael – plenty of space for his car

We took off and drove through what was the middle of the Festival but few signs that anything had ever disturbed nature.

A ford – tinkling sound of water and peaceful as you like.

The vibe has spread to neighbouring farms

We visited the village of Pilton which is in a small valley. If you drive along the main road it’s a question of if you blink you will miss it. There is a public house and a church and a very decent size church hall so there is money around. We parked and followed the sign to ‘Tithe barn’,

They must have expected many tithes if the size of the building is anything to go by

and what a splendid building it is. The hand of Michael Eavis has contributed to it being in the splendid condition that it is in as you will see.

spacious and dry as a bone

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The farm was built in the early 14th century but in 1963, lightening struck the barn and started a fire which completely destroyed the roof. Michael wanted the barn restored, and have the opportunity to buy it and some surrounding land. He gave the building to a trust who commenced renovation as you can see.

a very wonderful and peaceful atmosphere conducive to prayer

we then have a look round the local church, St John’s. It was instructive to look at the visitors book.

four visitors four countries

clearly, a country church

not often that you see a wood carving of people playing musical instruments. I wonder what inspired that

one of the best ways of finding out about what is going on in a place and therefore whether it would be interesting to move to is the noticeboard. There are classes in  Pilates, tai chi, yoga     Use Ctrl and + to read.

finally, I absolutely love plays on words. Well done whoever thought of that one






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