Month: September 2017

Somerset Rural Life Museum at Glastonbury

And now - Fresh from watching VerStappen win the Malaysian Grand Prix F1 one day after his 20th birthday - to complete yesterday's events with a discussion on the Somerset Rural Life Museum After the high octane - change four tyres and fill up with gas in 1.9 seconds - a change of pace to a more leisurely look at times of yore. So why bother with museums at all? Come to that, why bother with...

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Why £x.99? – helping the disabled via art – admission price discussion

Thursday 29 September 1664 ...Coming home to-night, I did go to examine my wife’s house accounts, and finding things that seemed somewhat doubtful, I was angry though she did make it pretty plain, but confessed that when she do misse a sum, she do add something to other things to make it, and, upon my being very angry, she do protest she will here lay up something for herself to buy her a...

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Bartering – ‘doing my stint’ – more on deer – black and white photographs – diary writing

Wednesday 28 September 1664 .. he would needs carry me and another Scotch Lord to a play, and so we saw, coming late, part of “The Generall,” my Lord Orrery’s (Broghill) second play; but, Lord! to see how no more either in words, sense, or design, it is to his “Harry the 5th” is not imaginable, and so poorly acted, though in finer clothes, is strange. And here I must confess breach of a vowe in...

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Limbo dancing – greedy deer

Tuesday 27 September 1664 To-night Mr. T. Trice and Piggot came to see me, and desire my going down to Brampton Court, where for Piggot’s sake, for whom it is necessary, I should go, I would be glad to go, and will, contrary to my purpose, endeavour it, but having now almost 1000l., if not above, in my house, I know not what to do with it, and that will trouble my mind to leave in the house, and...

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What is a safe space?

Monday 26 September 1664 ....So I have looked a little too much after Tangier and the Fishery, and that in the sight of Mr. Coventry, but I have good reason to love myself for serving Tangier, for it is one of the best flowers in my garden.... I love the idea of ideas as flowers. They bloom and they die. Alas the idea of being Patient Representative for the Bristol Hospitals has today pretty...

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Works of art being exhibited in Frome, Somerset

There are few things I enjoy more than talking to artists and looking at works of art though I do not have formal art training. I believe and try to live out the ideal that we are all mobile art installations, instantly responsive to others, claiming the moment and making the best of it as we shall probably not meet in the same circumstances again. Ref: Eckhart Tolle 'The Power of Now'. We are...

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