Day: 28 August 2017

how not to perform in a brass band – sausages to die for

(see previous entry) ... So here we are at 11am in Wells having found a parking space by some miracle in what is a very compact town designed in the years before the motorcar. What a lovely day without a cloud in the sky. The great thing about Wells is that it is so compact that everything is within 10 min walk of all the major features. Tourists - fear not, you will not get lost. Just look for...

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Elephant cruelty – mysterious properties of electric cords – Wells Moat Boat races

Saturday 27 August 1664 ...Thence to my case-maker for my stone case, and had it to my mind, and cost me 24s., which is a great deale of money, but it is well done and pleases me... Pepys reminds us that he's human and likes to treat himself from time to time.. It must have made a change from dealing with maritime matters So home and find my boy a very schoole boy, that talks innocently and...

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