Do you look or do you see? Frome under the microscope

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 5 minutes

somewhere behind this growth are bushes. I reckon there’s a good 10 years of growth here

We went to see a new garden job above – a stripped out bungalow down a very narrow lane. My job would be to clean back all the growth. The problem is not the growth but the means of getting rid of it which would require at least six trips with a fully loaded car. Customers have no idea about the cost of getting rid of something. They think it will disappear by some sort of magic. The customer says he has a friend who will arrange for disposal. I’m going to ask him to agree with his friend before giving a quote.

Trip to Frome – my wife  goes there regularly for acupuncture treatment. It was necessary for me to drive there in our hire car so I thought we would make the most of it.  We as tourists or travellers are conditioned to looking for the biggest and the best when it comes to exploring our surroundings. I suggest that we maybe are doing ourselves a disservice. In the United Kingdom at any rate most of the towns and villages and of course cities are very old and underneath, almost lurking, behind the modern appurtenances we find history. This can be very thought provoking and educational.

I’m going to take you around Frome, which is a small town in Somerset and perhaps encourage you to open your eyes and not take things for granted. almost everything you see has a history

In case you are thinking of moving to Frome, the historical houses are horrendously expensive, have small gardens and are on a hill. The parking is difficult but there is a lot of culture and many people love it. There are two theatres and a cinema which is quite remarkable considering the small size of the population. They also have a local radio station situated in the Old Fire House.

Westway Cinema Frome

the local cinema are supported in the most part by volunteers

films showing on 22 August 2017 Ctrl+ to view

this looks like a bishop and it has been incorporated in one of the normal railings

I love flowers outside pubs but I think this one is overdoing it a bit

a lovely old Spring with pure water coming therefrom

In a milliner’s. Interestingly the papier mache heads are made out of newspaper with Swedish printing

this street rejoices in the name Cheap Street. What do you think of this gullet was for? Was it to supply water or to remove foul water certainly not human waste.

a delightful and personal collection of stones and artefacts

this is a community noticeboard. Someone could come to live in Frome not knowing a living soul and yet by taking advantage of the messages on this board get themselves a full social life Ctrl and + to read the notices.

definitely a lively evening

a community agriculture come allotment idea

a town map outside the library Ctrl and + to read.

a slightly odd work in metal but it’s different

a canoe racecourse, something for the children and adults

Read this article with great care. This appears in today’s Times, 22nd of August 2017 and to me it asks more questions than it answers. We have assumed until now that the best contact in face-to-face but maybe there has been a change in mindset

8 pm – My wife rang up a friend called Anne. A gruff voice answered. He said ‘what do you want?’ She said ‘I want to speak to Anne. She is a friend of mine. He said ‘we are having supper’. My wife said, ‘please tell her…..’ The voice put down the phone. No wonder Anne is depressed with a partner like that. I hope I don’t get him on the phone otherwise he would have an ear-full.

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