Busy UFO’s – a walk in a railway tunnel – a sunny afternoon

by | Aug 19, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Forbidden Knowledge is a website, one of the many hundreds of alternatives to the mainstream media otherwise known as the MSM. This bloated animal the MSM can be relied upon not to report events that would adversely effect the profits of corporates and of the politicians. Forbidden Knowledge covers factual topics and a ‘what goes on behind-the-scenes’ reference point. I just got an e-mail from them about a video that shows a rocket that is about to take off blowing up shortly after a  small circular object passes overhead.  You can draw your own conclusions. It is a 4 minute vid.

As the sky was lightening and having finished the first part of my diary we decided to go to the Wellow Trekking Centre which is a key point on a cycling route and a walking route on what used to be the North Somerset train line service. People outside Somerset may not realise there is a fascinating historical intertwining of the canal system which transported coal, the rail system which was at its peak in the late 19th century and the system of roads, tracks, byways that cross this beautiful part of the world.

The Wellow Centre is a very good place for parking the car and walking either to the city of Bath or to the Kennett and Avon Canal. The trekking centre, BA2 8QF is a base for riding holidays, pony trekking, riding lessons and has a friendly tea room that serves good breakfast and lunch for hungry walkers and cyclists not to mention cream teas.

I enclose some images which may give you some flavour of the day. I should add that the people on such walks whether they be on foot or on bikes are a very chatty crowd and you can always fall into interesting conversations and acquaint yourself with the latest news.

a scenic map of the area showing the intertwining of rail, road, Canal, River, by way. Increase the size by Ctrl and + key at the same time

keen young riders gathering together at the centre

a young lady being trained

a pony nurturing its offspring

a pony in its stable with plenty to keep it interested from the people who come and go

off we go towards Bath, it is lovely to hear the wind blowing in the wheat. It is definitely a type of music

a work of art representing the geology of the area

the various types of stone which comprise the landscape from a historical point of view

the story of William Smith who has been dubbed “The father of English geology”

 Tw3o tunnels Greenway

notices approaching the Two Tunnels Greenway. View via via Ctrl and+

The rather foreboding southern entrance to the tunnel itself but inside it is well lit. It is quiet and clean but beware cyclists coming along at great speed. Many of them do not have warning bells.


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