Day: 13 August 2017

cars, cars, and yet more vintage cars

We in Somerset know how to do things properly. If you are thinking of migrating or escaping from London and think there is nothing going on in the country you are incorrect. A lot goes on but it is not advertised widely mainly for economic reasons. This is a car 'meet'. The essence of such a meeting is its lack of formality. It's free to everyone and show cars can come and go as they please. We...

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losing our tempers – a grand collection of old cars

Friday 12 August 1664 ....I to White Hall and did much business at a Tangier Committee; where, among other things, speaking about propriety of the houses there, and how we ought to let the Portugeses I have right done them, as many of them as continue, or did sell the houses while they were in possession, and something further in their favour, the Duke in an anger I never observed in him before,...

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