This evening I was invited with two colleagues to go along to a networking event run by a Christian organisation and funded by a rich philanthropist who wanted to put something back into society. It was held in Bath in a themed room called "The Ingloo". There is no such thing as the perfect meeting but this came quite close to it. First, everyone had something in common in that they were...
Month: July 2017
Noises in the night – how to complain about a faulty product
Monday 11 July 1664 - Pepys hears noises at night and fears for burglars. This is a long entry and a good read. Click on the link. As I have said before in these bloggs, knowledge is for passing around, for circulating, for sharing. What is the point in keeping things to yourself? Today I took delivery of a 52 cc petrol strimmer. There was a minor manufacturing fault meaning that I could not put...
Pepys Diary 10 July 1664 and there my wife fell to putting things in order against her going to-morrow, and I to read, and so to bed, where I not well, and so had no pleasure at all with my poor wife. I'm sure many wives throughout the world could echo this sentiment. I had occasion to speak with the lady for whom I was doing gardening. It appears that her husband had cirrhosis of the liver...
Hi Fi installation and tool thefts
Saturday 9 July 1664 click to read Pepys Diary This morning I said a fond farewell to my son, who in a week's time is going back to Colombo in Sri Lanka to continue his noble career of teaching English as a foreign language. My son is nearly 40 and we have gone through phases of not being in contact with each other but on this occasion we managed to have a long chat about important things. he...
Ideas for your next summer Fayre
Pepys Diary click to read Up, and this day begun, the first day this year, to put off my linnen waistcoat, but it happening to be a cool day I was afraid of taking cold, which troubles me, and is the greatest pain I have in the world to think of my bad temper of my health. Samuel Pepys puts up with pain that would send most of us running to the A and E department of the local hospital but he...
Buy cheap, buy twice
Wednesday 6 July 1664 full diary click here (many business matters) But the charge of the barge lies heavy upon me, which troubles me, but it is but once, and I may make Pierce do me some courtesy as great. Buy cheap, buy twice. I really hate to say so, but quality costs. Alas, the market is full of what amounts to counterfeit goods which although they look like the original, do not have the...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,642,728 words across 1,761 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703