Month: June 2017

The intuition of children

8 June 1664 All day before dinner with Creed, talking of many things, among others, of my Lord’s going so often to Chelsy, and he, without my speaking much, do tell me that his daughters do perceive all, and do hate the place, and the young woman there, Mrs. Betty Becke; for my Lord, who sent them thither only for a disguise for his going thither, will come under pretence to see them, and pack...

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half finished things – a confession

 7 June 1664 Up and to the office (having by my going by water without any thing upon my legs yesterday got some pain upon me again), where all the morning. At noon a little to the ‘Change, and thence home to dinner, my wife being ill still in bed. Thence to the office, where busy all the afternoon till 9 at night, and so home to my wife, to supper, and to bed.  Samuel Pepys I'm sure a physician...

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A quiet birthday and meeting a lovely lady called Linda

Sometimes we feel we should go out but do not decide anything until the last moment. We more or less get a map and stick a pin in it. There is a temptation to go with the familiar but I thought we would try and have a day that was entirely new. So none of this "going to your favourite restaurant". We decided to aim for pastures new. "yes sir, tell them as it is". NB I get no commissions from...

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Depressed, oh, and Wszystkiego najlepszego w dniu imienin

 6 June 1664 Please see the original by clicking on the date above. It's rather long. ....Up and found my wife very ill again, which troubles me, but I was forced to go forth. ..... Most diseases were undiagnosed by doctors in pepys time, let alone treatable. We in the historically named United Kingdom  are going to have an election tomorrow. Listening to the excellent Ian Crane on you Tube...

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Free personal sand blasting at Weston Super Mare

For those of you unfamiliar with the UK, Weston-super-Mare (literally Weston on the sea) is a fairly nondescript seaside resort south of the mouth of the Bristol Channel. We decided to go there on the spur of the moment because the westerly winds were forecast to blow at 50 miles an hour. I love wind. This is a mere breeze compared with the 1200 miles an hour winds of frozen methane across...

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Do we care for our loved ones?

5 June 1664 (Lord’s day). About one in the morning I was knocked up by my mayds to come to my wife who is very ill. I rose, and from some cold she got to-day, or from something else, she is taken with great gripings, a looseness, and vomiting. I lay a while by her upon the bed, she being in great pain, poor wretch, but that being a little over I to bed again, and lay, and then up and to my...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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