Samuel Pepys Diary Thursday 12th May 1664 Up by 4 o’clock and by water to Woolwich, where did some business and walked to Greenwich, good discourse with Mr. Deane best part of the way; there met by appointment Commissioner Pett, and with him to Deptford, where did also some business, and so home to my office, and at noon Mrs. Hunt and her cozens child and mayd came and dined with me. My wife...
Month: May 2017
Morning coffee ritual – dentures – Samuel Pepys’ wife
Pepys's Diary 11th May 1664 It appears that an uncle is proposing to inseminate Pepys's wife to produce a child, to which the wife appeared to be enthusiastic. Pepys distrusts the colleague's motives thinking it is just lust. He is not speaking from higher moral ground here because he himself had an affair with the housemaid, not to mention numerous other ladies. The relationship between he and...
Denial of Service – Samuel Pepys at home – being a trader
There are groups of sad individuals in Russia, China, Brazil, USA, eastern Europe, who have nothing better to do than to send millions of messages to Internet servers and cause them to become inoperable because of overload. My server company is comparatively small, Besthost, and I've been dealing with them now for the best part of 20 years. Apart from the DDoS overload, hesitation of writing to...
The danger of the meazles + using your intuition (again)
Samuel Pepys' diary 9th May 1664 Up and to my office all the morning, and there saw several things done in my work to my great content, and at noon home to dinner, and after dinner in Sir W. Pen’The smoking is bads coach he set my wife and I down at the New Exchange, and after buying some things we walked to my Lady Sandwich’s, who, good lady, is now, thanks be to God! so well as to sit up, and...
Dealing with people you don’t trust
Pepys Diary 8th May 1664 : (Lord’s day). ..then Deane and I to my chamber, and there we repeated my yesterday’s lesson about ships all the morning, and I hope I shall soon understand it. At noon to dinner, and strange how in discourse he cries up chymistry from some talk he has had with an acquaintance of his, a chymist, (chemist) when, poor man, he understands not one word of it. But I discern...
a sunny Monday morning – a new SSD shows its power
Saturday 7 May 1664 from Pepy's diary "Betimes at my office with the joyners, and giving order for other things about it. By and by we sat all the morning. At noon to dinner, and after dinner comes Deane of Woolwich, and I spent, as I had appointed, all the afternoon with him about instructions which he gives me to understand the building of a ship, and I think I shall soon understand it. In...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,608,366 words across 1,732 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703