Pepys aches and pains – a DIY garden customer

by | May 29, 2017 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes
28 May 1664

Up pretty well as to pain and wind, and to the office, where we sat close and did much business. At noon I to the ‘Change, and thence to Mr. Cutler’s, where I heard Sir W. Rider was, where I found them at dinner and dined with them, he having yesterday and to-day a fit of a pain like the gout, the first time he ever had it. A good dinner. Good discourse, Sir W. Rider especially much fearing the issue of a Dutch warr, wherein I very highly commend him.
Thence home, and at the office a while, and then with Mr. Deane to a second lesson upon my Shipwrightry, wherein I go on with great pleasure. He being gone I to the office late, and so home to supper and to bed. But, Lord! to see how my very going to the ‘Change, and being without my gowne, presently brought me wind and pain, till I came home and was well again; but I am come to such a pass that I shall not know what to do with myself, but I am apt to think that it is only my legs that I take cold in from my having so long worn a gowne constantly

Click on the get out link above for full details of this painful disease partly brought about by style of life. There were no anti-inflammatory drugs in those days so the sufferer just has to sit it out.

I subscribe to which propagates real news as opposed to propaganda and the Health Ranger, the editor, while sympathising with the eight year old poster girl of the Manchester bombings reminded us of the hundred thousand children in the USA who are maimed or killed through vaccinations. The government have paid out $3 billion this year in compensation for vaccines that they also claim are 100% risk free. I’m also reminded by my friends of the beautiful children in Syria who have been killed by US bombing raids. Such hypocrisy. Either the reporters have no brains, or they are bought and paid for, the latter being more likely.

Returning to a more mundane matters, my customer of yesterday decided with a friend to do the job themselves. They have strimmed the  grass and cut down all the foliage and presumably expect us to repair the damage and take away the spoil. They have wasted our time but on the other hand she has taken the garden into her own hands and we were the catalyst so in the greater scheme of things that is no bad situation. I congratulated her on a forward step. I think she was taken aback by this but my rule is, if in doubt, be magnanimous and it does not stick to you.

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