Day: 13 May 2017

Back to Peyps’ England – Spindle Cottage

It's the time of year when wild garlic flowers grow in multitudinous numbers at the side of the road. You grab them, stuff them in your mouth and chew them and how delicious they are. This is the second part of my diary regarding today's events. The first part I finished this morning. We visited Kilmersdon's annual plant fair which is normally held on a Saturday in May. by coincidence it was...

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Some jazz, some silence, some listening

Samuel Pepys Diary Thursday 12th May 1664 Up by 4 o’clock and by water to Woolwich, where did some business and walked to Greenwich, good discourse with Mr. Deane best part of the way; there met by appointment Commissioner Pett, and with him to Deptford, where did also some business, and so home to my office, and at noon Mrs. Hunt and her cozens child and mayd came and dined with me. My wife...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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