Day: 3 May 2017

And so to a movie for our weekly treat

We try and have a least one day out every week. This is not so easy when the gardening season is in full swing or when Françoise is attending Yoga or painting classes. We went to see "The Sense of an Ending" at the Little Theatre in Bath. Prior to that we had our usual Gorge-Fest in Jimmy's restaurant where for a very moderate amount of money you get an 'all you can eat' three course meal. Soup...

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Samuel Pepys the drama critic, grey grey sky, computer problems

Samuel Pepys is certainly blunt with his criticism. On Monday, 2 May 1664, he went to the Kings Playhouse (now the Theatre Royal) with his wife and a 'mademoiselle' friend, "and there saw 'The Labyrinth,' the poorest play, me thinks, that I ever saw, there being nothing in it but the odd accidents that fell out, by a ladies being bred up in man's apparel, and a man in a woman's".  As if that...

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