Month: April 2017

Happy Easter everyone

It's that time of year again - celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. I tend not to go to church any more but this morning I did wake up with a particularly spiritual feeling, a feeling of peace, so I turned on BBC Radio Four and listened to the celebratory communion which was broadcast from Norwich Cathedral. I went to school for two years at Norwich School so I am familiar with the...

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a good sales tip – you never know who you are talking to

An old garden customer rang me this morning asking if I could do some work for her. It was just a bit of grass cutting and tidying, not something I could charge a lot for. in the gardening business, there is no such thing as a fixed price. We charge according to the difficulty of the job, how much we like the customer, their circumstances as we sum them up to be, the distance from home, the...

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Good Friday Videos

As it is Good Friday I have been watching a number of films on people's religious experiences when they have an accident and temporary passed over to another place. It might be easy for some people to dismiss this reports but when you see the people breaking down in tears while they are talking, scarcely able to speak, they are most definitely not acting and why should they make something like...

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The day before the Easter weekend

Traditionally, holiday weekends are always either cold or rainy or both and I can't remember the last time we had actual sun. Since no one expects anything of me over the holiday period I shall go into a vegetable state, AKA non-manic state and just chill, read the numerous books that I've been meaning to read for some time and not make a great effort over anything. I attended to such great...

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not just another gardening job – last will and testament

Today is a day's work for tidying up the garden that its owner, now 96, has not been able to maintain for the past 10 years. His son and my contact Keith tried to do little bits and pieces but just didn't have the time or the drive so he's calling us in. The parents are resident in the bungalow concerned, spending most of their time sitting in the window gazing at nothing much. There are...

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a day of recovery

My wife and I realise that we do both need a day to recover from the holiday, delightful though it was. It is a shock to go from St Ives, Cornwall, to Somerset. As I said previously the drive was easy without traffic jams but to change environment does require some peace of mind for some time. I suppose it's a bit like leaving a movie after a Shakespearean tragedy and then going to a violent...

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