Month: April 2017

so others have the same problem!

"Up, and all the morning in my chamber setting some of my private papers in order, for I perceive that now publique business takes up so much of my time that I must get time a-Sundays or a-nights to look after my owne matters." Yes, I know the feeling, Mr. Pepys Well, I have done all I can for tomorrow's important meeting as Patient Representative for the Bristol hospital group. For the most...

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Samuel Pepys – another Monday morning – weeds and more weeds

I have subscribed to a website which on a daily basis sends one day of the diary of Samuel Pepys and it is interesting to notice that some of his days are quite ordinary. "down by water to Sir W. Warren’s, who hath been ill, and there talked long with him good discourse, especially about Sir W. Batten’s knavery and his son Castle’s ill language of me behind my back, saying that I favour my...

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The London Marathon, sportsman-like behavior, canals

The buzz of the London Marathon, which I very much enjoy,  induces in me a hyper multitasking mindset. Today I have simultaneously:  watched the Marathon on TV, vacuumed the bungalow in which we live, baked a loaf of gluten-free bread, sipped libations of wine, and written this diary. I have today decided to call myself "the Modern Samuel Pepys" because not many people understand the concept of...

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walking your talk

This morning I went along to my men's group, a local group where they invite along various speakers and on this occasion there was a Christian worker called Joy Fraser who did indeed live up to her name. It is quite seldom that someone has my undivided attention for 45 min but I would happily have listened to this lady for the whole morning. She was an organiser and social synergist, inter alia...

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How to make the best use of £1 million

In 2010, the lottery fund of UK gave £1 million over a period of 10 years to Radstock and an adjacent part of the town - Westfield "to make a difference to the lives of the people living here" Many activities take place, but at least once a year they have a Dragons' Den type of evening and tonight was such a night in the newly refurbished Radstock Hall. Three local business people were in the...

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is there life without a mobile phone?

I suppose I've got used to it now, glancing at it every 10 min or so to see if there is a message. I think it's actually a bad habit, and slightly sad. Not only was my phone stolen but my old one that I wanted to rely on gave up the ghost site by new phone and what  better place than eBay. I think I paid about £35 altogether including postage. It is a similar Nokia but not exactly the same but...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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